multistakeholder initiative

Considering a Headquarters Location for your Multistakeholder Initiative (MSI)

Considering a Headquarters Location for your Multistakeholder Initiative (MSI)

If an MSI elects to create an independent secretariat, it will need to select a city and country in which to locate its headquarters.  It is not always easy for a global initiative to decide this, as there will be a multitude of factors and these will rarely point to one location.

Multi-stakeholder Initiatives (MSIs) and Determining the Optimal Secretariat Structure

Multi-stakeholder Initiatives (MSIs) and Determining the Optimal Secretariat Structure

A key litmus test for the effective governance of any MSI is its capacity to deliver results on key priorities and a work plan agreed upon by it governing board. Needless to say, a competent and effective Secretariat is essential to delivering strong results.